Kid Icarus Music
(originally composed by Hirokazu "Hip" Tanaka)

Kid Icarus Midis

Title Theme
Sequenced by: Unknown
This is a very decent rendition of the Kid Icarus title theme!

Title Theme (2)
Sequenced by: Johan Fall
Another rendition of the title theme.

Title Theme (3)
Converted by: Flying Omelette
All of my own midis were converted with NSF2MIDI. While the other midis sound nicer with the added instruments and remixing, these are good if you want to hear something that sounds pretty close to what the music actually sounds like in the game.

Sequenced by: Johan Fall
This is a very slow version of the Underworld theme, which is the music heard in the first three areas of the game.

Underworld (2)
Sequenced by: Max
Another version of the Underworld theme, this one is also kind of slow-paced.

Underworld (3)
Sequenced by: Erik
And yet another version of the Underworld theme, this one is played at the same pace as the actual video game song.

Underworld (4)
Sequenced by: BountyHunter
Another good rendition of the first level theme.

Underworld (5)
Sequenced by: Gerudo
A rock guitar version of the underworld theme!

Underworld (6)
Sequenced by: JibbityHibbity
This one's heavy on the drums.

Underworld (7)
Converted by: Flying Omelette
The first level theme is one of my favorite songs in this game.

Sequenced by: Erik
The Overworld theme. It sounds pretty close to the actual game song!

Overworld (2)
Sequenced by: Johan Fall
Another version of the Overworld theme, but I think the other one is a little better.

Overworld (3)
Converted by: Flying Omelette
Does anyone but me ever wonder why this has an Irish jig in the middle of it?

Sky World
Sequenced by: Erik
The Sky World theme. On my PC, this sounds almost EXACTLY like the NES version! Not bad at all!

Sky World (2)
Converted by: Flying Omelette
This might be redundant since the other one already sounds pretty close to the game's music.

Sequenced by: Erik
The Fortress music, and my personal favorite in the game! This one sounds pretty close to the actual game song.

Fortress (2)
Sequenced by: Johan Fall
This is a remixed version of the Fortress theme. It sounds really cool, but it's short.

Fortress (3)
Sequenced by: Bill_307
The Fortress music is a very popular theme! Here's another version of it that sounds pretty close to the game.

Fortress (4)
Sequenced by: Gerudo
Yet another version of the Fortress Theme.

Fortress (5)
Converted by: Flying Omelette
My own conversion of the Fortress Theme.

Fortress (Remix)
Sequenced by: Erik
This is a remix of the first Fortress midi.

Boss Theme
Sequenced by: Johan Fall
This is the music heard when fighting a boss or when you enter a room with Specknose enemies.

Sky Palace
Sequenced by: Johan Fall
This version of the final level music is remixed.

Sky Palace (2)
Sequenced by: Sivak Drac
This version of the Sky Palace music sounds much closer to the actual game version.

Sky Palace (3)
Sequenced by: Varistan
Another good rendition of the final level theme.

Sky Palace (4)
Converted by: Flying Omelette
My own conversion of the Sky Palace theme.

Medusa Battle
Sequenced by: Johan Fall
This is the music you hear upon entering Medusa's chamber and fighting her.

Ending Theme
Sequenced by: Johan Fall
This is the music for the end credits, after you beat the game!

Ending Theme (2)
Converted by: Flying Omelette
My own conversion of the ending theme.

Game Over
Sequenced by: WIDRUM
And finally, the music you hear when Pit dies.

Kid Icarus Mp3s

Title Theme
Opening title theme

Levels 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3 underworld

Levels 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3 overworld

Sky World
Levels 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3 sky column

Levels 1-4, 2-4, and 3-4 fortress mazes

Boss Theme
Fortress boss rooms, flying noses rooms, & Zeus's tumbling mirrors test

Sky Palace
Level 4, final level

Medusa's chamber, final battle

Ending Theme
Ending cinema & staff roll credits

Kid Icarus NSF

Kid Icarus soundtrack in .nsf format
This is all the songs from the game in one .nsf file. These are the actual songs, as they sound in the game, but you'll need Winamp and a plugin to play them. Refer to Zophar's Domain for information on how to play them (External link).

1. Title
2. Underworld
3. Overworld
4. Skyworld
5. Fortress
6. Boss
7. Level Clear
8. Reaper
9. Game Over
10. Sky Palace
11. Medusa
12. Ending

Kid Icarus: Of Myths & Monsters Midis

Level 1: Underworld
Sequenced by: Saffith
The Underworld Theme of the Game Boy Kid Icarus sequel.

Level 3: Sky World
Sequenced by: Robert Nix
The Sky World Theme of the Game Boy Kid Icarus sequel.

Fortress Theme
Sequenced by: The Triforce of Music
The Fortress Theme of the Game Boy Kid Icarus sequel.

Boss Theme
Sequenced by: Daniel Genz
The Boss Theme of the Game Boy Kid Icarus sequel.

Boss Theme (2)
Sequenced by: The Triforce of Music
Another version of the Boss/Batcave Theme.

Kid Icarus: Of Myths & Monsters Mp3s

Title Theme
Both parts of the title theme music spliced together in one mp3

Levels 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3 underworld

Levels 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3 overworld

Sky World
Levels 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3 sky column

Levels 1-4 and 2-4 fortress mazes

Final Fortress
The Level 3-4 fortress maze has different music from the other two.

Boss Theme
Fortress boss rooms, bat chambers & Zeus's tumbling mirrors test

Sky Palace
Level 4, final level

Orcos's second form, final battle

Ending Theme
Ending cinema (remake of original Kid Icarus title theme)


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