A fogotten place where the night's frozen still in silence
Every solemn face turns away in a veil of shyness
A million tiny dewdrops start to form
Swept upon the gale of nature's storm
In the shadows...time flows...

The beating of your heart is all that is heard in the darkness
Space and time are torn apart by a force that denies its harness
Unprovoked feelings now emerge
A momentary emotional surge
A sudden desire...inspired...

Wonders that I've yet to behold
Stories I've waited to have told
I'll never tell
The feeling passes like stolen thunder
It leaves me numb, and now I wonder...
What happens now?

Take me to the past so I can understand the present
Illusions only last 'til the full moon wanes away to crescent
A thousand voices cry out all at once
Disproving what I believed upon a hunch
I am concerned...unlearned

Take away my soul, I know I will feel no different
It's just a gaping hole in a manipulated instrument
All this knowledge is too much to absorb
I'm just one person on this god-forsaken orb
What do you want...from me?

Wonders that I've yet to behold
Stories I've waited to have told
I'll never tell
Changes are coming, oh so fast
I still need a chance to cast my light
In the distorted night



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