Morning comes and I know
It's time for moving on
Let it go, let it go now
As the road stretches on
The dust is left behind

And when you look to the east
And the morning sun is rising
Open your hand
And let the bird fly free

Watch him take wing
And he will follow
The chain of memories
That link our past
With the present day

Follow him the morning after
Remember all the tears and laughter
The farther that we travel
The more that we will be leaving behind
Nothing can hold us

We're leaving now
But I'll remember you

And when you look to the north
And you see the highest mountain
That's where I'll be
I'll be standing just a moment
Before my shadow casts
Like a footprint on the past
And slips away with the sunset

Follow me the morning after
Remember all the tears and laughter
Through the hills and valleys
Through the sands and oceans
And the turbulent winds of time

We're leaving now
But we'll remember you



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