The Walking Dead (2012 - PC)
Much like Telltale Games' Back to the Future, The Walking Dead is more interactive story than it is a game. The main difference is that this one has quicktime events and you can actually die if you don't do them right.
If you're open to this idea, then The Walking Dead can be an absorbing and heart-wrenching experience. You just have to understand this is not a game you play for challenge or even to tax your brain, despite having a few point-and-click adventure style puzzles. Just put enough time into it and you can complete about one chapter a night (with five total and some DLC content). So, I'm not going to criticize it based on that.
But since the game's plot is based so heavily around picking different lines of dialogue, it might've been nice if your choices could have had a bigger impact. The scripting can be so manipulative - I spent several nights wondering if had I made better choices if certain characters would've lived. But then looking over a fan-made flowchart revealed that those characters would've died (sooner or later) no matter what I did. The minor details may change depending on what you do, but the end results are ultimately the same.
But if you want a creepy, brutally unforgiving zombie survivalist story with great characterizations that'll make you reach for a box of tissues by the end, you probably can't do better than this. I'm beginning to think Telltale Games should handle all licensed product games, or at least developers who do should take lessons from them.
Speaking of which, you don't need to know anything about The Walking Dead comics or TV show to play this, as it's entirely self-contained and most of the characters are unique to this game. Apparently, it contains easter eggs for fans, but I'm not familiar with any other Walking Dead stuff and I was able to follow it just fine.
I will warn that the story can get very heavy at times and will force you to make some gut-churning decisions (even children are not safe in its world). Chapter 2 is the goriest and most disturbing, by far. So, if you can take Chapter 2, you shouldn't have much trouble with anything else, but that one is a real doozy! Especially if you're not used to violent horror movies.
Rating: 3.5/5

Fleetwood Mac: Unbroken Chain Unauthorized (Streaming Video - 2004)
Okay, what the heck is it with these music documentaries that don't actually use any of the band's music and show very, very little of the band doing anything live on stage? I know this stuff costs money, but that's the only thing that would make watching these videos worth it. Otherwise, you're better off reading the Wikipedia entry on Fleetwood Mac to learn the band's history and finding some videos on YouTube.
Also, I could hear the voice of one of my high school teachers yelling, "Give examples!" in my head while watching it. The movie has a horrible habit of mentioning things, then giving no examples of what they're talking about. For example (heh!): Saying how the lyrics of the songs on the album "Rumors" were about different members of the band and different things that were going on between them, but not one example of the lyrics and what they were referring to is provided.
Rating: 2/5
The Last Survivor (Streaming Video - 2010)
A rather heartfelt, if somewhat slow-moving, documentary about how survivors of the World War II Holocaust helped the survivors of the Rwanda genocide, who in turn, are helping the survivors of the genocide in Darfur. It doesn't go into very much detail about the actual conflicts, but more or less follows the lives of several people who survived them as they fled to places like Israel and America to escape the violence, many not knowing the status of the family and friends they left behind.
One little nitpick I have is that the camera often shows a closeup of a blurry object, like a flower, and then comes into focus on it. It's kind of annoying after awhile, and would implore the filmmakers not to do this so much in the future.
The story of a Jewish Holocaust survivor is told in pieces throughout the film, and the conclusion might just bring a tear to your eye.
Rating: 3/5