Update: 11/20/2023
I wrote a review for Atari 2600's Pitfall!.
Also, slight rewrite of my old Zoda's Revenge review has been added to the section. I think this was the first review I ever wrote that wasn't in "category" format, so I was worried it wasn't going to be good enough to make the crossover, but it really wasn't as bad as I was expecting, and at least that's one less game I have to worry about replaying in the future. Not that it isn't a good game, but I just have too much else on my plate.
Update: 11/5/2023
Minor edits and format update to Midway Presents Arcade's Greatest Hits.
I also touched up and added my old review of The Legend of the Mystical Ninja to the reviews page. I originally wasn't going to bring this one over because I considered replaying it again. But the more I thought about it, the more I just realized I couldn't motivate myself to do that. I've finished that game 3 or 4 times in the past and I sincerely doubt my opinion would change much if I did replay it now. I did, however, include a "side note" at the bottom that addresses something I heard about the 2-player mode and its relevance to what I wrote.
Also, just in case anyone ever happens to notice, I decided to remove the album reviews from the capsules section. This was something I thought about doing for a long time and it was a rather easy decision to make. Music is too subjective to taste and personal preference and was the most difficult genre of entertainment/art for me to review. As a result, I was not satisfied with the quality of most of those reviews and I couldn't even remember half the albums that were on there. I no longer review movies, TV shows, or audiobooks, either, but those reviews will remain for the foreseeable future.
Update: 10/28/2023
Touched up my old reviews of Dynowarz and Evil Zone, and I also made some minor adjustments to my old review of Alex Kidd in Miracle World and added it to the reviews page.
Update: 10/17/2023
Very minor touch-up of my old Bubsy in Fractured Furry Tales review and added to the reviews page.
For the reviews that had been previously brought over to the new page, I am steadily working on updating all of them to the new format so there isn't such a massive design mismatch when looking at different reviews. I'm not going to always announce them unless I also make major changes to the review text. As such, I did slightly update my Atari 2600 E.T. review as to eliminate some really outdated references and poor wording.
I probably mentioned this before, but if there's a question as to why I sometimes just fix up an old review or write an entirely new review, it depends on if I ever plan to play the game again. For Journey to Silius, Rygar, and Uninvited, I actually replayed them and decided entirely new articles were in order. But some of these games, like Jaguar Bubsy, I'm never going to replay (especially since I couldn't even get my cartridge of that game to work and had to play it emulated). It doesn't always necessarily mean the game was "bad", but just that I have too many other things to keep revisiting games that were okay, but not amongst my top favorites - games good to play through once, but not good enough to linger on them for a lifetime.
Update: 10/11/2023
I reworked my old review of Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure. Little birdies have occasionally informed me that I may have been "too hard" on this game. The only thing I can say is that one person's trash is another person's treasure, and I really could never bring myself to play this one again. The game is kinda bad right from the start, but getting through those last few stages was pure torture and I had to resort to a FAQ for them. I softened some of my text so as not to be angry at the devs, who were likely not working under ideal situations, but my opinion of the game didn't change.
Also, it seems some readers may have thought I disliked the movies? No, I liked the movies. In fact, I think it's one of the rare cases where the sequel was just as good as the original. But I reworded things slightly to possibly clear up where they may have been confusion about that.
I also removed those (Review) notes that were under the game titles on the index page, because I originally planned to do more Oddities like the Rygar ones, but just haven't really been into it, and pretty much everything else is a review so they were redundant.
Update: 10/10/2023
I rewrote about 75% of my old review of Pac-Man for the Atari 2600 because it wasn't sitting well with me. It's one thing for my old reviews to not be so great because my writing skills just weren't honed yet, and it's totally another when I feel like I was being too mean and making (arguably) unfair comparisons. Yeah, it's known that it wasn't a good port/game, so my opinion didn't really change, but knowing the full story behind it is very important when dealing with the subject, and I don't like being mean to the developers who were often just doing their best under very less-than-ideal situations. The new version of the review reflects all of this.
Update: 5/16/2023
New Hidden Object Game Review for Millionaire Manor: The Hidden Object Show.
Update: 5/7/2023
New Hidden Object Game Review for Mystika 3: Awakening of the Dragons.
I slightly rewrote my old review of Ninja Gaiden Trilogy and added it to the main reviews page, since I don't plan to ever play this version of the Ninja Gaiden games again.
Update: 2/26/2023
New Hidden Object Game Review for Mystery Case Files: Huntsville.
Update: 2/21/2023
New Hidden Object Game Review for The Last Dream.
Update: 2/8/2023
New Hidden Object Game Review for Fall of the New Age.
Classic review for Midway Presents Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 1 added to the reviews. This is an old review that meets current standards for a game collection I won't likely ever play again.
Update: 2/4/2023
New Hidden Object Game Review for Myths of Orion: Light From the North.
Update: 2/2/2023
New Game Review for Cadash.
Update: 1/28/2023
New Game Review for Gunman's Proof.
Update: 1/22/2023
New Hidden Object Game Review for Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt.
Update: 1/16/2023
New Hidden Object Game Review for Season of Mystery: The Cherry Blossom Murders. I wrote a capsule for this one years ago. Decided to replay it and write a full review, but my general opinion didn't change.
Update: 1/8/2023
New Hidden Object Game Review for Brink of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome. Yeah, I was glad to finally get that one covered. I replayed it awhile back with intent to review, but never did, so I had to replay it again before writing this.