These are old sections of, some of which are no longer updated, but are kept here in an archive. I no longer accept submissions for any of these sections.

This was my attempt to document all the little cameos and references in various games I've played. I asked for help from readers to send in the submissions from the games they've played, and the database was a huge success. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a bit too successful for its own good as I eventually became unable to keep up with it. The Cameos Database has been one of the most controversial sections of my site, as sometimes information was submitted that turned out to be false, but on the whole, I think we did a really good job with being thorough and accurate, and we have a good deal of information here that had never been documented anywhere else before. As a result, I learned a lot of things about many games that I never knew. Despite the troubles it sometimes caused me, I had a great time running this section of the site and may it now rest in peace.

A page dedicated to some of my favorite video game box art. While many sites have done features on "worst game box art", I chose to spotlight some of the best instead. I think good videogame box art has been on the decline in recent years, and artists could take a lesson from the past on the use of color, perspective, style, and composition.

This was my attempt to get myself to write a little about games every month because I'd often go a really long time between writing actual reviews. It was also a means of giving a little extra attention to games that I felt deserved it, especially if they were obscure or unpopular. I retired Game of the Month in April of 2005 because I just couldn't motivate myself to write it anymore, and I was often getting two or three weeks into the month before I'd post one.

This is a list of every game I own. Some of them are mine, and some are actually Crawl's, but I just lumped them all together in one big list since they're all in the same house. Two things: 1. I don't collect games anymore, so don't expect this to be updated much. 2. I have no interest in selling or trading any of these games, so please do not ask. Any emails asking to buy any of these games or trade with me for them won't be answered.

The Rec Room was a section meant to shine a spotlight on some of my favorite games. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find time to keep it regularly updated. Right now it currently only spotlights two games (ActRaiser and Star Fox), but has lots of pretty pictures and music downloads for them.

I wrote this on a day that I was feeling especially cynical. I almost didn't go through with posting it, but then I read over what I had written and thought it was too funny to let go to waste.

My top 100 personal favorite games. This list is outdated and until I have the time and motivation to update it to my current standards, I'm relegating it to the museum.