NOTE: Some links on this page may not work, and some may link back to the old Geocities site, as existing material in this section is merely an archive of old updates and is not altered in future versions.
Update: 12/28/02
Update: 12/28/02
I'm still working on quite a bit more for this site, too. Stay tuned. ~FO
Update: 12/27/02
Update: 12/26/02
Update: 12/24/02
Update: 12/21/02
Update: 12/20/02
Update: 12/14/02
Update: 12/10/02
Update: 12/9/02
Update: 12/1/02
Update: 11/29/02
Update: 11/28/02
Update: 11/25/02
Update: 11/10/02
Update: 11/01/02
Update: 10/22/02
Update: 10/20/02
Update: 10/19/02
In other news, I've added a Fan Art section to the Kid Icarus Shrine, and I put up my first submission from Princess Reyelene. I also added a new Game Shrine. This one does not have much content yet, but I'll probably add more in the future. It's a character art gallery for the Sega Saturn RPG, Albert Odyssey (which will be the subject of my next game review as well.) ~FO
Update: 10/17/02
Update: 10/6/02
Update: 10/1/02
Update: 9/27/02
Update: 9/17/02
I also added a couple of more entries to Oddities 16: Switched at Birth? 3. Check 'em out! ~FO
Update: 9/14/02
Update: 9/9/02
Update: 9/1/02
Update: 8/28/02 Update: 8/23/02 Update: 8/18/02 I've added some more screenshots to the Cameos section. I haven't added any new entries to that section yet, although I have some more reader submissions that I will get to in the future. I may have to split that page up because it's getting too big, and I will most likely add the new submissions after I've gotten it broken up. I've also added a new Oddities page, "Switched at Birth? Part 2", which includes some reader submissions. I also added a midi to the Kabuki Quantum Fighter review. I'll also be making some cosmetic changes to old reviews, such as putting in line breaks to make them easier to read, or fixing typos. I'm not going to announce each individual review I do this for, however, because no actual content is being changed. ~FO
Update: 8/14/02 Update: 8/8/02 Update: 8/7/02 Update: 8/4/02 Update: 7/30/02 Update: 7/24/02 Update: 7/20/02 Update: 7/17/02 Update: 7/12/02 Update: 7/4/02 Update: 7/3/02 Update: 7/1/02 It is a great honor to receive this! This is the first award that my site has ever won and I am very happy! I hope I can get this place rolling again before long. Although it may be awhile before I write another review (stupid Magi Nation!), I do have some ideas to update the Oddities section and maybe even the Rip-Offs section. I think another reason I gave up on the Rip-Offs section is because I used such a bizarre layout that was difficult to change and update as needed. I think I'll go with a much, much simpler layout this time that will make that section easier to deal with. Finally, I added a ton more to the Cameos section, today, including new reader submissions! ~FO
Update: 6/30/02 Also in site news, I have created my own "Golden Ridley" site award for outstanding achievements in website design and content. Here is what the award button looks like:
I hope that doesn't look too crappy. I'm not exactly an expert on these things. Anyway, the first recipient of this award is The OPCFG. This site, maintained by Dire 51, is dedicated to classic gaming on multiple platforms, such as NES, SNES, Sega Master System, Genesis, Atari 2600, and others. A truly excellent site with lots of interesting articles, import reviews, fan fiction, special features, and a Top 100. It also has a really decent message board called The Third Moon. Congrats to our first winner, and I highly recommend checking this site out! ~FO
Update: 6/9/02 Update: 6/8/02 Update: 6/7/02 Update: 5/28/02 Update: 5/22/02 Update: 5/17/02 Update: 5/14/02 Update: 5/3/02 Update: 5/1/02 Update: 4/30/02 And now, I have to make an announcement about the future of this site...If you've been following this site long enough, then you probably know that there have been several times in the past when I considered retiring it. I even took it off-line a couple of times, because I just didn't feel like dealing with this site, anymore. I always came back, but now, I find that I no longer get enjoyment out of writing reviews. I struggle endlessly with them and I always hate what I wrote afterwards.
But the real reason I had gotten on the internet in the first place was because I used to be a cartoonist, and I had dreams of making a grand website devoted to my comics and characters. Unfortunately, I got trapped by the "allure" of the internet, and that, along with dealing with depression I was going through over not being able to attend an art school like I had planned all my life, caused me to just stop drawing and writing cartoons, altogether. I participated for a short while in some Interactive Stories at a friend's site (which is now long-gone), where I utilized some of my characters. But after awhile, that site was taken down, and I ended up just hanging out with the site's message board community at various videogame boards. I was inspired to create a videogame-based website by some of my friends from that community who had sites of their own, and also by many other fan sites that I really liked, and also by just my desire to express my opinions and creativity.
But the thrill is gone and much of my gaming spirit has died. I really, really want to go back to writing and drawing cartoons. I want to retire this site and open up a whole new site devoted to my cartoons. I haven't made a final decision yet, but right now, I know which direction my heart is telling me to go.
"Never forget us...just promise you'll never forget us..." - A quote from one of my graphic novels years ago
I guess I had forgotten...Forgotten a lot about who I am and what I wanted to be. ~FO
Update: 4/25/02 Update: 4/24/02 Update: 4/22/02 Update: 4/19/02 Update: 4/16/02 Update: 4/15/02 Update: 4/12/02 Update: 4/12/02 Update: 4/11/02 Update: 4/10/02 Update: 4/5/02 Update: 4/1/02
One more update for today! I added a new Oddities feature. Check it out! ~FO
Are you ready? I have a truckload of updates today. This is probably the most my site has been updated in one day since I opened up the Kid Icarus Shrine. Anyway, here goes:
I added two more Oddities pages! Some Aidyn Chronicles and Equinox stuff. As I've said several times, I'm way behind on reader submissions for cameos and fanart, but I'll hopefully get caught up on that this weekend. ~FO
I added a new entry to the Rip-Offs section! Some Zanac and Tetris weirdness! Check it out. ~FO
I added a review of EVO: Search for Eden to the Super NES section. ~FO
I added a link to Shadow Villgust's Dungeon on the links page. I also slightly updated Parts 1 and 2 of my Top 100. I mostly just added midis. I'll be working on a new game review, so further updates on this site will cease until that project is finished. ~FO
I added a few more reader submissions to the first Cameos page for Final Fantasy 6. I haven't forgotten about other submissions, I'm just working slowly and surely to get this site completely updated. I think I'm pretty much done with the MIDIs page for now, and I added some midis to the Alex Kidd in High-Tech World review. I also added a few links, including Silius Networks, RPGuru, and The NES Galaxy. I have a few more to add, I'll try to get those in this weekend. ~FO
I'm still working on getting the midis page updated. There are a lot of midis on there, now. Almost every midi used elsewhere on this site has been added to that page for convenience, as well as some midis from games that are favorites of mine. I also added a section for non-game midis. ~FO
I added a link to Prime Op's Central on the Links page, and I added a TON of midis to the Game Midis page. ~FO
I did manage to get a review of Life Force added to the NES section, but I think it's a bit of a rush job. At least the screenshots came out nice, though. Unfortunately, that's all I have time for right now. I'll try to get links and other site submissions added later in the week, if possible. ~FO
First of all, check out Game of the Month for December! I also added a link to FantasyAnime's new Arcana subsite to the Arcana review. And, finally, I added some midis to the Super Mario Advance review. ~FO
Progress report: I added midis to the River City Ransom and TMNT reviews. I updated my Site FAQ. If you post or are planning to post at my message board, please take a moment to review the section of the Site FAQ pertaining to the board's rules. It's no biggie. Things have been going extremely well. I also did an overhaul to the Links page. I added a few links, removed a few. My friends' sites are now listed in their own section at the top. I also removed the message board section, because most of those boards are connected to sites, so I don't need separate links for them. And the ones that weren't connected to sites were pretty much dead. ~FO
I added midis to the Adventure Island 2, Air Fortress, and Street Fighter 2010 reviews. Progress continues on this site. I still have much more to do... ~FO
Well, I haven't made any decisions regarding a move just yet. However, I have decided against using Crosswinds. I have about half of this site mirrored there, and I tried updating it this weekend, but ran into all kinds of problems with the server which resulted in the Earthbound review getting screwed up over there. Every time I've tried updating there in the past few months, something like that has happened, and I'm just tired of it. So, I'll have to consider other options. For now, I've updated the first section of Cameos. See what's new for Albert Odyssey, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Conker's Bad Fur Day, and Final Fantasy 9. (I have more Cameo submissions that will be added to the other sections later.) I also added midis to the Jurassic Park and Raiden Trad reviews. Hopefully, I'll be updating some of the other sections later in the week, including Cameos, Links, and the Kid Icarus Fanart sections. ~FO
Yeah, I know I said to expect more updates soon, but I'm seriously considering moving this site. This site has just simply gotten too big for Geocities. I know I began a mirror site at Crosswinds awhile ago, but I'm not sure I want to continue with that effort. I have several Cameo submissions on the backburner and some other stuff, but I don't want to make any changes to any existing material until after I've decided on the move. ~FO
Check out Game of the Month for November! More updates will come soon. ~FO
Cameos has been updated! Check out what's new for San Francisco Rush, Tecmo Bowl, The Goonies 2, The Legend of Zelda, and Zero Wing. ~FO
I added a music section the Albert Odyssey Shrine and made a few other minor adjustments. ~FO
I made a minor adjustment to the Shadowgate 64 review. It's under the "Sound" category if you've already read it. I also noticed that I wrote the Play Control section in a hurry and it's worded sort of awkwardly. Well, I might fix that up in a future update, but for now I'll just apologize for my sloppiness. That was the least important part of the game, anyway. =P
Finally, at long last, I have a new review up! Shadowgate 64 in the N64 reviews section. I also added a new cameo submission for Golden Axe. I also added a few new links, including the Super NES Super Shire and Reyelene's Kingdom. Expect some updates to the Kid Icarus Shrine this weekend, and more game reviews in the future. ~FO
Huge update! First of all, I added new Cameo submissions for Contra 3 and Final Fantasy 6. I added some reader-submitted look-a-likes under "Switched at Birth Part 3" in the Oddities section. I updated the Links page, adding a bunch of links to sites I like and sites that had my site linked. Possibly the biggest surprise of this update is the addition of some stuff to the Kid Icarus Shrine! I added three midis (Underworld, Sky Palace, and Game Over midis). I also added a Japanese Kid Icarus Commercial to the "Other" section of the shrine. For those of you who may be wondering, I am still working on game reviews. I have upcoming reviews for Shadowgate 64 and Albert Odyssey in the works which will probably be posted within the next few weeks. ~FO
I fixed some links in my "Top 10 Favorite Sites" section (under the Kitchen Sink) and added a couple of new ones. Also new in the Kitchen Sink is Game of the Month for October. I also added two new Cameo submissions for Castlevania and Clay Fighter. Enjoy! ~FO
I did some more maintenance on my links page, adding sites that had been requested of me to add. I also updated the Cameos section. See what's new for Albert Odyssey, City Connection, Donkey Kong Junior, Earthbound, Final Fight 2, Gyruss, Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball, Mega Man X4, Metal Gear Solid 2, StarTropics, Super Mario RPG, Total Carnage, and Ultima 6. ~FO
I added a ton of cameos and changed the name of that section to the Video Game Cameos & References Database. Since that section is getting so big, I'm going to start listing what games had information added for them. In this update, new submissions were added for A Boy and His Blob, Albert Odyssey, Alex Kidd in High-Tech World, Breath of Fire 2, Crystal Castles, Ghosts 'n Goblins, Gun.Smoke, Journey to Silius, Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle, Mega Man, Mega Man X, Mortal Kombat 2, Mortal Kombat 3, Pitfall!, Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure, Super Spy Hunter, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
I added Run Saber (SNES) and Strike Gunner S.T.G. (SNES) to my list of games I own. I added a ton of cameos that were submitted by various readers. (Thanks for all of your submissions, everyone!) And I added yet another "Switched at Birth" feature in the Oddities section. Finally, made a slight correction to Switched at Birth Part 2: Site reader Codie Martin (who's submitted a ton of stuff) is a "she" and I had her incorrectly credited as a "he". Sorry about that! ~FO
I added a couple of more Cameos submissions and made a slight update to my Top Favorite Websites page in the Kitchen Sink. I also did some major Links page maintenance. I removed a ton of links that were either dead sites or sites that I no longer peruse and did not have this site linked. If you email me and ask me to link your site, please return the favor! I will also be adding more links to that page, soon. ~FO
I've got several updates to kick off September. First and foremost is my new Game of the Month feature. The Game of the Month for September, 2002 is The Guardian Legend. Cameos has been updated with new submissions and new screenshots. I also updated the Kitchen Sink feature, "Things We've Learned From RPGs" with new submissions. I've also added a few more sites to my list of favorites. (On a related note, I'll be updating the Links section soon, so don't fret if you asked me to add or change a link recently, it'll soon be taken care of.) ~FO
I added two new features to the "Kitchen Sink". One is an archive of a humor topic posted at my board awhile ago called "Things We've Learned from Playing RPGs", and the other is a Top 10 list of my favorite websites. ~FO
I updated Cameos a few days ago with new submissions, plus, I split the section up into three parts to make it faster and easier to load. I neglected to mention it until now because I had been working on another small project for this site which be unveiled next month (just a small thing, don't expect something major.) Anyway, I also added some reader submissions to Oddities 15: Switched at Birth? Part 2. (They're at the bottom.) ~FO
I added a review of Magi Nation to the Gameboy section.
I've updated Cameos with tons of new submissions. I've also begun adding some screenshots of different cameos so that you can see them for yourself. I also added one more "Switched at Birth" entry to the Oddities section. It's one I had noticed a long time ago, but forgot about when I was making that page. ~FO
A few quick updates. First of all, I added a list of some of my favorite movies to the "About FO" page. Secondly, another site has won my Golden Ridley Award of Excellence: David Wonn's Unique Video Game Glitches, which is a very unique site, indeed! Not just your average game codes and tricks, you'll find glitches here that will amaze and surprise you, and you won't find them anywhere else. Check it out! Also, I added a page to the Kitchen Sink that displays the awards this site has won, and showcases all sites that have won my award. ~FO
Two updates today. First of all, you'll notice the Captain N button has now become a "Cartoons" button, and I've made that a section that I plan to use to review more cartoon episodes. No actual new material in there yet...just the Captain N ep I already reviewed and that Real Ghostbusters thing. The other update is a new section for game midis. I decided to make a page to compile all of my favorite video game midis. Many of them can also be found on the individual game review pages, but there are even more here. I'll be adding more as time goes on, too. ~FO
Some major updates! First of all, I added a new shrine to the Game Shrines section - An ActRaiser Sprite Gallery! I captured numerous sprites from the game, all the enemies, bosses, and lots of other neat stuff. I also added a new section called "The Kitchen Sink". This section is for random stuff that doesn't fit in other sections. The first item in the Kitchen Sink is a list of all the games I own. Finally, I made some minor changes to the "About FO" page. ~FO
A new oddities page is up with more reader-submitted craziness! ~FO
I added a short clause to the bottom of my Site FAQ. I want to make a couple of things clear: Remember that under internet copyright law, anything and everything posted to the internet is automatically copyrighted to the original author, whether or not he/she places a "copyright" line on the page. Also, I do not accept reader-submitted reviews or walkthroughs - mainly because of space limitations, but also because I want this site to be a repository of my own opinions and work. If you have reviews or walkthroughs of your own that you want posted on the internet, I suggest either finding a site that does accept them, or better yet, make your own. I do accept reader submissions for cameos and oddities, however. If you need more information about Internet Copyright Law, I suggest doing a search on google, or another search engine, and look it up. ~FO
I've added a new shrine to the Game Shrines section. This one is a Guardian Legend Sprite Compendium. It has images of all the enemies, bosses, and weapons in the game, and more! ~FO
Cameos is updated once again, and I added a link to NES Player on the links page. ~FO
The Cameos section has been updated (I actually updated it a few days ago, but I just neglected to mention it until now.) There's a new link to Smackdown GT on the Links page. And I added a new Oddities page. Also, this isn't related to video games, but if you ever liked The Real Ghostbusters cartoon then look at this. Some funny stuff courtesy of my video capture card! ~FO
Holy shmoly, I've actually updated the Rip-Offs section! Yes, that's right! There's a whole new article in the NES Rip-Offs section. And I also added in some more Cameos to that section. Now, I'm off to try to catch a damn Treebit in Magi Nation! ~FO
The Oddities section has gone through a complete makeover! I've reorganized things, updated some existing information, and added tons more, including old reader submissions that I had lying around and never got around to adding. I hope you enjoy these new sections. Be sure to check them all out, because much has changed! ~FO
Well, I'm not sure what to say. Yesterday, I presented my Golden Ridley award to Dire 51's OPCFG site, only to find out that he had been planning on presenting my site with the OPCFG's Official Award! And here it is:
I've updated the Cameos section, again. It's been awhile since I've done any real updates, besides cameos, and it might be awhile yet before I do another one. With the exception of the Cameos section, which I'll continue to update as I get submissions, this site can be considered to be on temporary hiatus. I just got a new job and it takes up most of my time, now. Also, the game I plan to review next is Magi Nation for GBC, which I've been playing off and on, lately. I hate to spoil surprises, but I thought I'd explain a little bit now about this game and my thoughts on it: I don't like Magi Nation much at all. The battle system runs too slowly, the story is bland and nonsensical, and aside from a few fun puzzles, there just isn't much about it that's really interesting. Therefore, it's taking me a long time to finish it. Every time I put it down, it gets harder and harder to pick it back up, but I don't want to review a game until I've finished it (unless it's completely unplayable.) Hopefully, I'll be done with it and have it reviewed before too much longer, but I'm currently at a boss I cannot beat, and I need to level up my team before I can get any farther (*groan*).
Finally, the new Links page is completed! Uh...I know, it looks almost the same, but there are many new links, and everything has been categorized a little better. I also added a new section - a site FAQ. Hopefully, it may answer some questions you may have about this site, clear up some issues with my reviewing and scoring system, and other stuff. Some of you may remember that I had a Site FAQ once before, but I deleted it...Well, this one's a little more useful. ~FO
I finally added the Playstation Reviews section, beginning with a review of Kagero: Deception 2. I am still working on the new Links page, and it's about 80% completed. I should have that up, soon. BTW, even though I've added new sections for Playstation, N64, and other console reviews, I still plan to review for the older systems, too. Just thought I'd make that clear, since it has been awhile since I've done an NES review. ~FO
The Cameos section has been updated! I apologize about the Links fiasco. The whole entire page is gonna go through a makeover, and when the new page is up, all the Links I've promised to have on there will be on it. I'm also going to be adding a section for Playstation reviews, soon. ~FO
First of all, the Opinions section is no more. I've mentioned several times before that I wanted to delete it, but just to refresh, I had stopped updating it long ago, and it just didn't fit with the rest of my site, anymore. So, it's gone. I added a new section for Sega Master System and Game Gear reviews called "8-Bit Sega", and I started it off with a review of Alex Kidd in High-Tech World. I know I promised some people that I would link their sites in my next update, but I did so much today, and I'm tired, so I'll try to get in a Links update next time. ~FO
Added a review for Super Mario Advance to the Game Boy section. ~FO
I finally got another review finished - Shadow Man for the N64. Check it out! ~FO
The Cameos section has been updated! ~FO
I added a review of Incantation to the Super NES section. Even though I announced on the opinions page a long time ago that that section of the site is going to be deleted soon, I am still getting emailed submissions for it! This your last warning!! That section of the site WILL be deleted within the next few updates! If you want it kept on-line for some reason unknown to me, make an archive of it. ~FO
Well, I've had a night to sleep on it. It's funny, right now I'm unemployed, and I feel I'm having more stress than I did when I worked. I'm still uncertain about the future of this site. Several people have suggested that I try doing both game reviews and cartoons. I'm just not certain I'll have time for both once I get a job, which hopefully, won't be too far off. I would at least like to get the Cameos section updated. I still have all the submissions that haven't been added yet safely tucked away. And, today, I did add a review of Return of the Ninja in the Gameboy section. ~FO
Added a Yars Revenge review to the Atari section. Added some more links to the Links page.
I revised the links page, added a link to NES Chedda, and removed some dead links. Right now, I'm sort of in a funk about this site. Maybe I'll write an editorial or rant or something explaining how I feel about reviews and the current state of the internet, in general, but I guess I'd need to open up a new section for that... ~FO
Well, I finally added a section for N64 reviews, starting with a review of Banjo-Kazooie. But be warned - this review is long! It's probably even longer than my Equinox and Earthbound reviews, which are pretty damn long. I have to admit, I felt somewhat timid about putting this review up, as I'm generally known as someone who prefers "oldschool" games. But I think BK is one of the better 3D games out there, and if you've read my Top 100, you shouldn't be surprised that I have a positive opinion of it. I also didn't thoroughly check the review for spelling and grammar mistakes, yet. I was kind of in a hurry to get it up, so forgive me if you find any. ~FO
Added a Raiden Trad review to the Super NES section. I didn't get to the cameos or the links section, yet, but hopefully, I'll have them done, soon. ~FO
I added a review for Airforce Delta in the Gameboy section. I will be getting around to updating the Cameos hopefully sometime this weekend. ~FO
Added a new section for Atari reviews, beginning with a retrospective on Combat - the very first video game I ever played. I also revised the Kabuki Quantum Fighter review for the third and final time. I felt that I was too hard on the game, although my opinion of it didn't really change. But I think the revision explains things better than the first two drafts did. ~FO
Added a review for Arcana to the Super NES section. ~FO
One more quick update - Since I added the walkthrough, I also managed to finish up my review of Jurassic Park, so that's been added to the Super NES section as well. ~FO
I've added a section for some game guides that I've written, beginning with a walkthrough of SNES Jurassic Park and an Illusion of Gaia Red Jewel FAQ. I don't have any desire to write detailed walkthroughs of games that I've played, but I do have some quick reference guides that I wrote to either help keep track of where I was in games or to make replays easier. I decided that I may as well share some of these guides with the rest of the world. BTW, I haven't run out of space here at Geocities, yet, but I am down to about 5 megs left. This means that I'm going to have to move somewhere with more space, eventually (I already do have a site in mind). I have also been contemplating deleting the Opinions section for a very long time. It's no longer updated, I have no interest in reviving it, and it really doesn't "fit" with the rest of my site, anymore. I could fit about 10 more reviews in the space that the Opinions section is taking up. So, if for some reason you really like that section, I suggest making your own archive of it, because it's very well possible that it won't be around for much longer. And when I move this site, I guarantee it's not gonna move with it. ~FO
Added a review for Illusion of Gaia in the Super NES section. Also, I forgot to mention this earlier, but I completely revised the Super Mario Bros. 3 review in the NES section. I felt that my old review was trying to be too "critical", and I didn't really explain my personal experience with that game and what it really means to me. I also added midis to the SMB3 review in the revision. ~FO
Added a link to Yoichi's Temple of Fiends on the links page. Added new submissions to the Cameos section, and...dum de dum dum! There's yet another new section of this site: In case you were ever wondering what my Top 100 favorite games are, now you can find out! ~FO
Hey, check it out! I wrote a complete synopsis of the Puss N Boots episode of Captain N, complete with actual screen captures! ~FO
No, this is NOT an April Fool's day joke - I made two small updates to the Kid Icarus Shrine, one in the "Codes" section and the other in the "Other" section. I also added new submissions to the Cameos section, as well as some more that I thought of, myself. ~FO
Update: 3/31/02
Added some new submissions to the Cameos section. ~FO
Update: 3/30/02
Added a review for HyperZone in the Super NES section. Thanks for your submissions to the new Cameos section! I will have those posted in the next update. :) ~FO
Update: 3/29/02
Well, let's see, what have I been up to? First of all, I added in that missing screenshot to The Guardian Legend review and added some midis. I then made some slight alterations to the ActRaiser review added some midis to that, too. For those of you who didn't like that I took it out, I added the line "Hip Tanaka, where are you???" back to the Sound section of the Kid Icarus review. I also completely rewrote the Equinox review, because I felt that my first review of that game was a rush job and didn't do it justice. I've begun experimenting with breaking up paragraphs within the review sections, so that they don't run on too long (as you'll see in that review.) I also added midis to the Equinox review, as well. Finally, you'll notice an all-new section of my site - Cameos! I plan this to be a database of all the known videogame "cameo" appearances of characters and other things. If you know of any that I don't have on that list, feel free to email them to me, and I'll post them and you'll get credit. ~FO
Update: 3/7/02
Finally, after all this time, I get a REAL update in! I added a review of The Guardian Legend game to the NES section. Please forgive the missing screenshot. The Floppy Disk I had it stored on is damaged, and I can't access it. I'll have a picture in to fill that spot, eventually. I also did some general review maintenance, and updated the Links page - adding quite a few links. I also added some links to some of the reviews. These links go to external sites (NOT affilated with the Game Kitchen) that are "shrines" or general information sites for the game reviewed. ~FO
Update: 2/10/02
I fixed the links page a bit, adding some, removing some. I also finally finished updating the TMNT2 review. BTW, some time ago, this site finally went past the 10,000 Hits mark! Yay! ~FO
Update: 2/5/02
I updated the Street Fighter 2010, Super Mario Bros. 3, TaleSpin, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turltes reviews into the new format. I made some updates to the "About FO" page and an announcement on the "Opinions" page. Also, please be aware that the TMNT2: The Arcade Game review page is under construction, so the pictures are not working right now. I don't have time to finish it right now, but it shouldn't be like that for long. ~FO
Update: 2/3/02
I updated the Snake Rattle n Roll and Solstice reviews into the new format, and made some minor changes to the reviews, themselves. No actual opinion changes, I just reworded a few things to make my statements clearer. ~FO
Update: 1/31/02
There is nothing new here, yet, however, I just wanted to make a quick note here letting everyone know that I made it to Ohio, okay, and within the next few months, I will be looking for a job, finding an apartment, and preparing to move the rest of my stuff to Ohio, so I still won't have much time for real updating, yet. I did, however, finish The Guardian Legend (both normal mode and all-shooter mode), and I think I will start a review for that, soon. I also plan to open up yet another review section for Playstation reviews, soon. Yes, I know this has largely been regarded as a "Nintendo" and/or "Retrogaming" site, but I have so many games for so many different sytems, that it seems really silly not to write reviews for some of them, as well. ~FO
Update: 1/10/02
Well, I've briefly returned for a moment to explain a few things. First of all, I haven't added anything new. In the week that is coming up, I will be preparing to move to Ohio for good. During that time, I will most likely not make any updates, except maybe add a few more links. And during the time when I am "settling down" in Ohio, I will not be able to update at all. It will be impossible while I'm actually moving, because I won't have time nor internet access. But there is a possibility I will return, someday, after all is said and done. ~FO
Update: 1/05/02
Updated the links section, adding links to the Warp Zone and the OPCFG. ~FO
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